An interesting way to use a hankerchief and display your cut flowers here.
"Camembert de Normandie" The companies were responsible for 10,000 of the 13,000 tons of Camembert produced in France each year, or 42 million of 52 million boxes of cheese. And now they were saying, after more than 100 years of tradition, that it was all over, that Camembert made with raw milk presented an imminent danger and was a health hazard. It was a declaration of war."
In addition to the 0.4mm I have, the pens come in .25mm, 0.3mm and 0.5mm and in a variety of colors including black, green, pink, aqua blue, orange, clear blue, baby pink, apricot orange and red.
Pilot appears to have melded their Hello Kitty look with their Hi-Tec-C writer. It took me awhile (I am old and slow) to figure out how, but the Hello Kitty figurines are removal and can be alternated one kitty to another, treasured and become a keepsake or used on another Hi-Tec-C pen.
While I find Hello Kitty "cute" it is the pen itself that floored me.
It is terrific. It is dynamite. It is fabulous?
When I opened the package, in the late afternoon with very little light, and started to write, I was confused. I had to turn on the lamp to verify that what I was using was a pen and not a fine mechanical pencil. Yes, the point is that fine and that sharp and that clean.
So, instead of writing with the Hi-Tec-H, I decided to doodle, and doodle I did.
Doodles of Isis Bird (self symbols) ©
And I kept on doodling.
Doodle, applying some water for smudging and shading ©
And kept on doodling, adding water, writing with the pen onto a crescent board layered with paint, tossed some watercolour over one of my symbolic doodles, and then put the pen down--sated and satisfied that I had received one good drawing pen.
No, it is not waterproof. No it isn't the best pen to use with watercolour, but it can be used that way judiciously. Yes it can write over paint and that is something I do often.
So, Hello Kitty, I welcome the Hi-Tec-C as my new favourite of all gel pens.
Thank you Jet Pens for making me the proud owner of a cool and truly useful gel.