Kurt D. Holomon
I ordered and received today, "On Foot, a Journal" not because I needed a journal to trek with, but because I am fascinated by
Kurt D. Holomon's work.
via Amazon (where it was purchased) |
If I'm not mistaken his journals were included in Danny Gregory's
An Illustrated Life, but I either discovered or rediscovered Mr. Holomon serendipitously.
I often review blog lists and discover artists or sites that inspire, and that is how I came upon Kurt D. Holomon.
The 4x6 spiral bound trekker journal,
On Foot, is a most pleasant surprise and I will be using it this summer, but it is not a true representation of his work. The journal is fun to look at, has heavy weight paper, sort of paperbag colour and two roomy pockets at the back to collect those "on the road" collections.
Lisa Le Quelenec
I discovered Lisa Le Quelenec of
Seaside Studios in a similar roundabout and rewarding way. It was during a period when several bloggers were discussing and sharing watercolour mixes, and in particular those under explored colours like Payne's Grey, Neutral Tint, Indigo et al.
I had myself just done some smears here and there with those same colours and get into a small discussion about their value and their differences, stark in some cases, between brands. I love the mystery associated with colour and how we relate to different colours and several colours in juxtaposition to one another. Lisa and I shared some of our tests.
Midnight Stroll, Lisa Le Quelenec, 2012 © |
Lisa is a remarkable artist whose work can be purchased at her
Elsy shop.
I've always loved images of the sea, and the sky, and even have several works on my walls of quiet, and somewhat near and remote places. Lisa's acrylics make me want to plunge into the painting and swim with the tides of her time and place.
Laverne Black
I am equally intrigued with the dense, the dark and the hidden. I had the great pleasure of meeting
Laverne Black, a Catskill photographer recently. We first met at The Old Stone House in Hasbrouck, and as I was driving the Hasbrouck roads, a hamlet of Neversink, I felt I understood where Laverne got her inspiration.
Fogging Day, Laverne Black ©
Then this past weekend
Time and the Valley's Museum had its opening
exhibit featuring some of Laverne's local barn photographs, and although the museum is not within easy reach, I made it a point of getting to see the exhibit and seeing Ms. Black again--a huge pleasure.
The Famous Artists
I've never been taken with Monet's haystacks, although I've seen them in Boston and Chicago.
It took me forever to appreciate van Gogh, and I lived just a stone's throw from the museum created in his name. I finally understood him during a visit to Arles.
I loathed Picasso until I truly studied his work close hand and not just on a museum wall or an art book.
Messina's l'Annunciazione (Siracusa) |
But I was taken with Rodin immediately; fell head over heels in love with Dali, and stopped by Messina's l'Annunciazione for hours. It sits in Siracusa (Sicily) and is being slowly restored.
Detail (left) Messina l'Annunciazione (Siracusa) |
There is no accounting for one's taste, and mine is eclectic. I admire the Romantics as much as the Modernists; I am fascinated by the Surrealists, and admire the Post-Modernists. I found Conceptional art intriguing especially as I had many Dutch friends in the movement who did excellent work.
Illustrations captivate me. Children's book
illustrators in particular
My own calling card (business card) is based on a King illustration; one I've used for about a decade.
And I continue to look and learn about art and what attracts me to a particular artist.