I drove into NYC for the first time in eons for a family event about two weeks ago, stayed at Westbeth, enjoyed the 10th floor view and the convenience of a parking space in front of the building--the Parking Goddess was in evidence early on a Sunday morning.
I was thrilled to be in the City, so thrilled in fact that I walked too much, ate quite a bit more than usual, and did very little shopping. I did however breath in the Apple air, soak in the pleasure principle, and see my lovely and loving New York City family. Lennox celebrated his 1st birthday and Annika her 3rd within days of each other and both were in full form.
After Lennox received the sacraments at the Ephiphany Church, we all wandered over to lunch.
My three meals were marvelous, but uber expensive.
La Folia, 19th at 3rd Avenue, NYC |
Family late lunch at La Folia (19th Street and Third Avenue). This was a repast to remember. M&M went way overboard and the dishes kept coming out as if we were in a Chinese restaurant and having dim sum. It was excellent and I highly recommend it for superb service and very tasty and tasteful food. Cheque on M&M.
Pastis, NYC |
The next morning we had breakfast at Pastis. This very West West Village (former Meat Packing area) gathering hole could be a transplant from Paris, including the decor, menu and prices. We had more coffee than food, but I did take away a free matchbook (a rare sighting) and two wee jam pots that I've turned into ink bottles. My treat to Lucianne.
My last meal was with Judith at the Chelsea Market; her treat. We needed some time alone together and I needed to transfer some paperwork over to her. She's not come up to the country (my regular abode) for ages and I've been mailing her stuff and taking stock of her very sober and unlived in home nearby. I had a good bowl of soup, some dessert and a wonderful pot of coffee. I also feel in love with the coffee pot they used to serve the coffee and have put it, along with dozens of other unnecessary items, on my wish list, especially inasmuch as I am really fine with my loyal Chemex.
MXYPLYZYK, Greenwich Avenue, NYC |
My single stop on Sunday morning before the christianing was at
MXYPLYZYK for a browse and buy. I have always gone there to shop and miss the luxury of just walking in whenever I was in the neighbourhood--which was frequent. I didn't plan a visit but walking over from Westbeth to the East Side gave me the opportunity to at least see, if not fully savour, several of my old haunts.
Now, nearly two weeks later, there are exhibits and sites I want to see and I just can't get back to New York but instead am heading out to Pittsburgh to see my other wee, but older grand-children, also about to celebrate births and joyful holidays.
When I did live in the City, I would regularly walk from work through Madison Square Park to 23rd Street,
then cross the wide expanse to
Aperture and soak in the gloriousness of photography. The bookstore and gallery have since moved to 27th Street.
Davinci Supplies is hosting a demonstration on March 28 with Don Colley and his unique way with Faber Castell markers. It would have been interesting to see what all the fuss is about his use of the markers and a first hand view of his work.