And perhaps it was. I drove over to Livingston Manor, stopped off at Willow and Brown and got the beautiful red mixing cups and spoons I was hankering after, and then went to the Catskill Art Society for a workshop.
I realized five minutes into the program that I was in the wrong place at the right time. But, I did manage to stay through the entire presentation, come away with a few telephone numbers of participants, caught up with Karen B, who was also attending the workshop, and fly into the new Camping Store on Main Street

to buy a great looking Lewis & Clark Frontier travel sack for toiletries.
Driving back to PA I was caught up not with the energy of the Ace but by the natural wonders of the roads travelled.
And now today, I pull the Emperor. It is a rainy, overcast day.

I puttered, prattling around the warm house attempting to finish some of the open projects, and continue the ongoing sorting process
of paper galore.
The only strange or worthy of mention event thus far was
the appearance of more than a dozen wild Turkeys, first sitting on the Grange fence and then gobbling some grasses in my side yard.
I snapped some photographs through the window but none of them really came out well enough to share.
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