Of course there were hiatuses, sojourns in Pittsburgh to receive a new grand-daughter; a huge swath through New England with short stints in Western Massachusetts; blissful days in Belfast, Maine that added up to a month; days on Cape Anne, a fortnight or more on Cape Cod and the Vineyard, and a entire summer at the farm in Guilford, VT.
Then arriving in the Upper Delaware Valley, I seemed to have exhausted my desire for road trips, and travel in general, except in flights of fancy. I gave up my trip to Guatemala because of time, expense and lethargy.
Now my daughter is asking that I came down to Pittsburgh for her marathon run in May, and I am thinking why not consider a small but productive road trip. I did drive down there last May, but with a friend and that's always a very different experience.

So I am thinking, Pittsburgh to Boone, NC ; then onto the Outer Banks, returning by way of Virginia Beach and up that ragged coast I so love.
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