It seems that when Chip, my local Post Office supervisor, told me the USPS was in trouble weeks ago, he was knowledgeable about the loss of revenue stream, the tightening of the budget and just how strapped the USPS is with a red flag at their door of more than $2.3b.
It doesn't seem that an increase in postage could possibly cover such a huge deficit.
I know I use the USPS more than the average person but my contribution isn't enough to make any inroads into the change that has occurred in postal use in recent years--a steady decline.
And it is another balancing act: The journals who mail their issues are getting strapped by the increases, more of them are offering on line subscriptions (something I deplore) and regular users of the USPS are probably using its services for bill paying not services.
What a mess!
Now how will Washington handle this?
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