

A Kelly Kilmer online class: tempting

It's been years since I've seen Kelly or taken a Kilmer class (in Westchester), but not nearly as many years since our group at yahoo disbanded.  I follow her blog "Kelly Kilmer Artist and Instructor," and her latest on-line workshop is very tempting.

AJ Tarot Deck 2001©

I do journal; I do sketch; I do make books and now I am trying out a pseudo-encaustic for Cynthia, but I am uneven, undisciplined and erratic since I retired.  Strange, instead of doing more art, I do less.

Illustration from my nearly defunct website

And the fact that this class will stay up forever makes it all the more appealing.


  1. :) Thanks, Zoe. Just remember if you ever have questions about any of the workshops, etc... that you can always email me.
