

What is a favourite?

One of the FPn members asked about the collecting bug, and cycles of buying fountain pens and then, of course, adding inks.

I have consciously bought a pen each year for the last 5-10 years on or about my birthday, a time of the year I am generally on holiday and actively engaged in stopping off at new shops in new geography.

It is only this year that I've bought a fountain pen sight unseen from an internet site or a friendly FPn member.

Of those I've bought on the 'net, I'd say two or three may need new homes, while one or two were delightful surprises.

So having not held her or him, I had no idea if this newest member to the family would be comfortable or fit into the life I lead.

Now up to the same number of pens as I have years lived, I am trying to weed through these, and attempt to sell those that may be beautiful, may be popular in other households, or are just collectible.

I've only sold one, thus far, but as I read this fellow traveler on FPn this morning, I realized I have other pens--some lovely, others loveable, that may also need to find more receptive homes.

One that came to mind is the Waterman Gentlemen, a beautiful pen, but one I rarely take out of the box.


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