

Two of Wands

A new month, a possible new path and a new assignment--not bad to get the Two of Wands today.

Although frankly all I've been up to is reading about the upcoming election, getting caught up on Studs Terkel, thinking about buying a Rotring 600--that I absolutely don't need and may not want--and mentally attempting to find a smooth path into a novel.

Late last night, but before the midnight hour, I scribbled and scribbled, joining one thought to another--mashing my teeth in an effort to grasp the loose thread before I went to sleep and lose forever the magic that might, just might develop into something more than the nonsense on the pad in front of me.

By this morning, all thoughts, loose or tightly woven, were lost to the new day.

I might be able not to recapture those thoughts today, but I must certainly take the Two of Wands as a positive sign that something can be salvaged.

Imagine: Mountain Dream Tarot (self published Nettles)

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