

A political day...Chafee

I started to think about Republicans I knew or know and Lincoln Chafee came to mind. I was sad when he lost re-election in '06, very sad.

When I lived and worked in Rhode Island, a state as small as my county today, it was impossible to not know everyone--and that included our elected officials. From Providence to Newport, Wickford to Jamestown, the small and large circles met at watering holes, restaurants, beaches and at lunch.

The smallness and intimacy also made it possible to call upon your elected officials for assistance. The then Senator John Chafee, Lincoln Chafee's father always returned my calls, as did other elected officials, but some with more concern and interest than others. Senator John Chafee cared about his constituents.

Now I realize Lincoln Chafee was among the early endorsers of Senator Obama.

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